Thursday, May 3, 2012

Why Is It Important For Women To Vote In November?

In the 2008 Presdential election, thirteen-million eligible women DID NOT VOTE. Right this minute, almost seven-million women are NOT registered to vote. Imagine the impact we can make in November.

This country is suffering in a way that two generations have never had to endure. Even those who lived through The Great Depression didn’t have to deal with what we are experiencing today.

The economy, though it’s slowly improving, is still staggering. The fact that we have a black president has ripped the scab off the underlying racism that has plagued this county from the start. The wound is open and fresh and all of the ugly sentiment is peaking. We are dealing with serious environmental issues as well as how to handle our energy needs.

We are at a critical point and it’s never been more important to utilize the power we DO have as citizens and VOTE!

In the midst of Democrats vs. Republicans, the REAL and deliberate War On Women is a tactic drawn up by the GOP. We can spend all day arguing the why of it but that won’t help our cause. It’s happening. The over 900 anti-women bills and measures put forth by the Right are all you need to be concerned with. Their attacks on our reproductive rights, our right to affordable birth control (which helps to prevent abortions), access to health care and equal pay for equal work, not to mention those lovely trans-vaginal probes, are all reason enough to get your butt to the ballot box.

There are millions of women who are single or single mothers—Republicans as well as Democrats—who are the sole providers for their household. They get up early, fight traffic and work hard for less money than their male counterparts are making for the same job. This makes a difference in the amount of money you collect from Social Security after you can finally retire. The less money you make in your lifetime, the less you can collect in your “Golden Years.”

Maybe you’re not in love with Obama. Maybe you’re out of work and unable to find employment and feel like your vote doesn’t count. Keep this in mind. The liberals who chose not to vote in the 2010 mid-term election because Obama didn’t have a magic wand and couldn’t fix the completely destroyed economy left over by the eight-year Bush Administration in a mere two years, GAVE their vote to the Republicans who won the House and have made it close to impossible for Democrats to make real, tangible progress. They have fought the President on every single thing he wants to do—even when it was their original idea. They hate him and don’t care if YOU have no money, no healthcare or no rights. They want to paint the picture that Obama failed.

The Right knows how to ignite their base. They have rabid followers. The Left has always been called weak—and sadly, for good reason. We have not (up until now) screamed louder than the GOP. If we choose to stay home on election day, we don’t deserve the rights that we as women have fought so hard for over the course of this country’s history.

So get to the voting booths ladies. Tell your friends. Get at least two of your friends who don’t usually vote, or have a history of saying that their vote doesn’t count, to VOTE! It’s an hour of your day but it will impact the rest of your life. If you don’t want to leave the house, find out if your state has mail-in ballots. They’re great! You get to take your time, investigate the issues and can send it in early!

Keep this in mind too. If Obama wins but either the House or the Senate is dominated by Republicans, all hope for equal rights is out the window.

There’s nothing wrong with single issue voting. The alternative is working for a lower paying job, illegal abortions and all of your rights being taken away, one by one.

Register to vote here.

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