Friday, April 13, 2012

Roxanne Hardisty Westphalen - I Am Appalled At The Republican War On Women

The first post! Thank you Roxanne.

I am appalled at the Republican War on Women! I am a 57 year-old woman and I thought this bullshit was over with in the 80's after we STRONG women marched, paraded and burned our bras in the 70's! I am mortified that young women in the United States have to RE-DO all that has been done before!

I don't NEED contraception or an abortion but, I have granddaughters that I am willing to fight for—and they are too young to know. I hope that by the time they are young ladies, all of this Republican crap will be over and done with. I want them to have the safest care available and I don't want them to EVER have to go to a dark alley to get treatment, if necessary. They deserve better - WE ALL DESERVE BETTER!

I am disgusted at their rhetoric taking away our freedoms. I am even more disgusted that they have used religion to make a mockery of God. I am a Democrat, a Liberal and a Christian and I resent that they use MY God to take away the rights of women and demean women as they have done.

They have compared us to livestock. They have suggested that we stay in abusive marriages with the message “Try to remember when and why you fell in love, in the first place.” They have blocked the Equal Rights Amendment (that has NEVER been done before!!!). They have suggested we carry dead babies inside of us until "nature takes it's course." They have suggested we carry unwanted babies resulting from rapes and incest. They have suggested we not use contraception—just keep shooting out those babies!

I have this question for them: If we stay home, barefoot and pregnant, who the hell is going to support us? You've made it clear that you will decrease every form of assistance available and frankly, a lot of women make more money than their spouses now-a-days!

I am so SAD that our country even have these conversations!!!! It's archaic! It's inhumane! It's too cruel for words!

Good luck, my strong female friends - and those amazing men who support all of us!!!

ROCK THE SLUT VOTE - and rock it HARD!!!!


Roxanne Hardisty Westphalen

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1 comment:

  1. Roxanne, you speak eloquently on behalf of millions of women across the USA. Bravo!

    And thank you Kimberley for providing this venue for outraged women everywhere!

    Susan McMillan Emry
    Founder, RTSV United
