Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Penis Files - (SATIRE/VIDEO)

As the election rapidly approaches, a frightening and dangerous bone of contention has been introduced: the male penis. Men want one AND they want it COVERED by Obamacare. They want you, the taxpayer, to pay for the ability to not only HAVE a penis, but to ENJOY it. We need to pull the plug on this conversation and make sure it is not thrust upon the voters. Americans don’t work so that their hard earned dollars can be dedicated to the sole purpose of a male orgasm.
The Most Reverend Maggie Rowe, Roman Catholic Bishop, Bridgeport, CT says:
“It’s virtually another entity that would be thinking on its own—apart from any procreative instincts. That in itself is a false God. We would be giving these men false Gods between their legs—and saying “It’s okay! Make your own decisions!”
Rowe’s last sentence cannot be overstated. When men have the freedom and ability to make their own decisions, we as a nation put ourselves at risk. Think about it: once they start to enjoy the benefits of having a penis, they will decide they need equal pay and condoms to be covered on their insurance plans. And what will that make them? SLUTS, that’s what! Prostitutes. They want ME, a woman and a taxpayer to pay for their bedroom activities. This is simply outrageous.
Jonathan Nail, Concerned Citizen and Penile Rights Advocate, asks the question: “Where are the men? There are no men representing the tens of millions across the country, who want and NEED basic penile healthcare—including family planning and sexual freedom!”
“The ability of a man to enjoy a penis guilt free is something that I believe the taxpayers should be taxed for.” says Dr. Gary Stockdale of Columbia University.
The accompanying video by Katie Schwartz provides a record of a hearing conducted by a panel of women discussing the idea of men having their penises covered by Obamacare. Dr. Becky Thyre, a moral philosopher, makes a valid point. She asks the panel, “What has it caused us to do today as we sit around this table? What is foremost in our minds? A penis. I myself have lost my concentration several times during this hearing because all I was thinking about was penis. A penis in my head.”
After viewing this conversation, I admit to having a penis in my head now too and I feel dirty. Give a man a penis and witness the destruction of everything. This is not a time to be complacent. I refuse to pay for a man’s orgasm and so should you!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Paul Ryan: The Sh*t Has Hit The Fan

I’m choosing to do a separate post on volunteering for swing states today because, well, it’s a little special.

We've just heard that Paul Ryan (Wisconsin) is the VP pick. If this race for the White House was a hurricane, we’ve just hit a CATEGORY  FIVE. Wisconsin is a swing state and a very important one.

It’s never been more important to help the Democratic Party. Three hours of your time between now and November 6 can make THE difference if we all pitch in. It’s not just about Obama winning. The House and Senate need to have a majority. When Republicans took the House in 2010, they got busy. In the first three months of 2011, they introduced 916 measures related to reproductive issues. This is WHY we need a full Democratic majority or we women will continue to be attacked by the GOP for the next four years and they WILL win.

Wisconsin Democrats: WEBSITE  VOLUNTEER

Think Progress just did an article titled: Five Reasons Why Paul Ryan Is Bad For Women’s Health. I have highlighted these reasons below. Please have a look and if you have not read the blog where I provide links on how to volunteer in the key swing states please click HERE.

1. Ryan co-sponsored a “personhood” amendment that would give legal rights to a fetus starting at conception. Ryan joined 62 other Republicans in co-sponsoring the Sanctity of Human Life Act, an anti-abortion measure declaring that a fertilized egg “shall have all the legal and constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood.” This would outlaw abortion, some forms of contraception and in-vitro fertilization.

2. Ryan supports banning all abortions, even in cases of rape and incest. In addition to his support of the personhood amendment, Ryan won his congressional seat in 1998 by emphasizing his opposition to all abortions without exceptions. But this puts him at odds with Mitt Romney, who has said he would allow exceptions in cases or rape and incest.

3. Ryan voted to ban abortion coverage from being included in the state health insurance exchanges. The Stupak amendment that Ryan backed would have prevented women from purchasing plans that cover abortion services through the exchanges set up under Obamacare — even when using their own funds.

4. Ryan compared Roe v. Wade to the Dred Scott Supreme Court decision. “Twice in the past the U.S. Supreme Court—charged with being the guardian of rights—has failed so drastically in making this crucial determination that it ‘disqualified’ a whole category of human beings, with profoundly tragic results,” Ryan wrote in 2010. After the 1857 case, Dred Scott v. Sandford, “the second time the Court failed in a case regarding the definition of “human” was in Roe v. Wade in 1973,” he added.

5. Ryan has supported defunding Planned Parenthood. In 2011, he voted for an amendment that would block Planned Parenthood and the health care organization’s affiliates from receiving any funds in a 2011 continuing appropriations bill.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

How YOU Can Help Defeat The GOP In 2012!!!!!

From now until election day, I am going to post information about some different ways you can help defeat the GOP in key swing states.

Website: Here
Volunteer: Here

Website: Here
Volunteer: Here

Website: Here
Volunteer: Here

Website: Here
Volunteer: Here
Article on swing states and women: Here

An NPR article: Why New Swing State Of Virginia May Determine Presidency is a prime example of a state that NEEDS people to get involved.

Website: Demoratic Paty of Virginia: Here
Volunteer you time: Here
Make calls now: Here

Volunteer your time: Here
Create or find an event: Here

20 million women DID NOT vote in 2008. This is baaaaaaaad! This MUST change in 2012.

If you have never volunteered before, it’s actually a fun and rewarding experience.

Often, a person hosts an event at their home. You sign up, RSVP and sometimes, bring party favors such as refreshments or a yummy snack. It is usually 3-4 hours on a Saturday or Sunday. The group of like-minded people, armed with cell phones are given a list of democrats to call and a simple speech is provided. As you call, you make notes by each person’s name and voila! You’ve done MORE THAN MOST! It’s very easy and fun.

I volunteered a few times in ’08. It was just as I explained. I had the opportunity to meet new people and as a result, made lasting friendships. I wish to reiterate that this is very easy and the feeling you have after it’s over is a feeling of accomplishment and pride.

So as mentioned, I will post about how and where you can volunteer but I also ask for your help. I plan to focus on swing states but if you email us or comment that you would like to get involved in your area, I will find the information to make it as easy as possible for you and post it. If you guys send  pictures of the events you host or attend, I’ll also post them along with the where and when and how many calls were made. So don’t forget to take pictures!! (Just make sure everyone is aware the pictures will be posted to the Facebook page in case someone feels a little shy.)

We are all busy and we all have so much on our plates. I ask that you donate at least three hours of your time between now and November 6.  If every single Democrat did this, think of how much we could accomplish.

Make a day of it. Get a group of friends together or venture out on your own and please help make a difference.

In case you need a little reminder of how important this election is:
5 Ways Republicans Have Sabotaged Job Growth

Let us know once you've signed up. Motivation is contagious!!!

Friday, July 6, 2012

You Can FIRE Government by VOTING!

I write articles covering what is going on in politics and focus a lot on womens’ issues. I am a feminist and I believe know women are under attack by the Republican party. In my line of work I have to keep up with the issues. I also need to keep up with issues because I vote.

Since I became the Spokeswoman for Rock The Slut Vote, I have asked many women if they are aware of The War On Women. Too many times, I get a blank look. They have no clue. When I explain to them that every Senate Republican BLOCKED the Fair Pay Act, they are shocked—as they should be. I wonder after we go our own ways, if they will take it upon themselves to find out more about what is really going on. I can only hope they do and share the information with their friends.

Watch this video. Share it. Please. Our rights are at stake. We are the ones who hold the power. If WE DON'T VOTE, we choose to give that power away to people who don’t care if we are subjected to back-alley abortions or get less pay for the same work!

Remember this: The people in government are YOUR employees. You pay their salaries. You enable them to collect additional money from corporations who pay politicians to create laws benefiting them. YOU CAN FIRE THESE PEOPLE IF YOU DON’T LIKE THEIR JOB PERFORMANCE. This is your right as an American. That is your duty as a citizen. VOTE!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Thin Red Line by Wendy Taylor

No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her body. No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother. ~ Margaret Sanger

By Wendy Taylor, Vermillion South Dakota

There is a difference between birth control and contraceptives. Maybe it’s a fine line, but that line could be where the whole political issue lies. My opinion is that birth control is sort of a misnomer. The definition of “birth” as a verb is simply “to bring forth.” I think the majority of us can see for ourselves what the definition of “control” is.

Once a woman is pregnant (no matter when you define life as beginning), the fetus or baby is ‘brought forth.’ There are only a few differences in how: spontaneous abortion (miscarriage), medical abortion, vaginal birth, or Caesarean birth. Of these, only one is really in the woman’s control. I have given birth to three beautiful children and had two spontaneous abortions. In each case, I technically “birthed.” What I lacked was “control.” There’s not much control to birth—no matter what those birthing classes say. I breathed and pushed and so on. Guess what? It still hurt. It still followed the course Mother Nature has dictated for millennia. And I was lucky enough that it still had my desired result—a living baby for me to raise and love. The two miscarriages? There was nothing I could have done differently. Nothing I did brought them on. Nothing I, or my doctor did prevented or stopped them.

The only thing I might have done differently was to prevent the pregnancies in the first place. Which is all about “contraceptives” and “contraception.” The origin of “contraception” is simply “contra” (against) & “conception” (impregnation) merged. The definition is merely “the deliberate prevention of impregnation or conception.” The simplest purpose of contraception is to get the control prior to birth becoming an issue.

I am aware it is a fine line. In fact, it’s valid to point out how closely the two are related. I know the argument for contraception is all about controlling when birth takes place in a woman’s life. I do understand that. I know I’m being nitpicky about my definitions and calling contraceptives ‘birth control.’ However, I honestly think that is part of the problem in this war against women (and it is a war). Many contraceptives do far more for women than simply allow her some freedom to choose when or if she becomes pregnant and births a child.

Many options for contraception also alleviate symptoms of PMS and cramps as well as regulating a woman’s cycle. Men simply do not understand these things. Men do not understand how debilitating menstrual cramps can sometimes be. Men do not truly suffer from PMS—though I freely admit I did my best to make every man in my life suffer whenever I was dealing with it. It is also worth noting that contraceptive options such as low-estrogen pills are sometimes prescribed to women who are in menopause to help alleviate some of their suffering.

Contraceptives are preventative medications and preventative health care for women. They are more than simply “birth control.” The fact that so many want to refer to it as birth control and spout off about it being a license to ‘do things’ are doing so because of the fine line I mentioned earlier. They focus on the ‘birth’ aspect for many reasons, but one of them is because they know what I have already said: once a woman is pregnant, very little about the birth is in her control. And if that is naturally not really in her control, then she shouldn’t have any control at all. Why? Because even nature doesn’t put a woman in control of her own body. Nature decides when or if she ovulates, menstruates, gives birth, and goes through menopause. If that is how women are created, then it must be meant for them to not have any control over their bodies except for what they can exert with their minds and strength of will.

This is why I think “birth control” is a misnomer and part of the problem. I don’t disagree with the fact that contraceptives should be able to be called by the name and not have any problems. However, I have learned over the years that I have to think like my enemy in order to get ahead sometimes. In the case of birth control options, I really do think it all boils down to this fine line. Which is really just a bunch of drowning politicians and regressives grasping at straws to try to keep long-dead problems alive.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Shame: Guest Post by "Vagina"

RTSV loves when you guys submit guest posts. This latest one was submitted by a woman who wishes to be known as "Vagina." She is from Huron Ohio.

Shame is something I personally know a lot about. Not because I feel shameful but because others view me as shameful. I was attacked this weekend by a man who felt that because I am a strong, confident, and independent woman that I should be ashamed of myself because of my job. That shame he was talking about is informed to him by the moral teachings of culture. Through our inherited cultures and religions, we are taught rules of female sexual conduct. Our learned morals act as a regulator upon our sexual behavior, and some people in our society believe it is their duty to regulate it.  It’s a script that every culture and religion has - especially around women, sex, and feminine sexual power.

Divinely inspired religions are the backbone of America, and nearly all of them deny female sexual access and unbridled female sexual pleasure in some form or another. Many exert an extreme control over female sexual conduct. It is inevitable however, that the pursuit of sexual liberation will eventually lead us to question our beliefs, and I assert that is exactly the reason why religion is obsessed with thwarting our pleasure, and suppressing female sexuality. When we realize that religion is wrong about female pleasure, feminine power, and sex, then it could be wrong about a lot of other things as well.

It seems to me that culture and religion are the origins of sexual shame. All cultures, religious or otherwise, are made up of behaviors, symbols, and ideals that, when fully wired into our brains, are taken to be universal truths - things we believe in absolutely. When it comes to female sexuality, we believe in absolutes. Everyday, around the world, people fight, live, and die for the symbols and ideals they believe in. Simply put, a symbol is something that stands for something else, condensing emotion and meaning into a very potent form. Female sexuality is potently symbolic - representing far more than genitalia, orientation, or sex. On one hand, female sexuality represents the continuation of life, maternal certainty, the passing on of specific genes, and possibility of controlled blood lines. On the other hand, it represents the call to life, power, passion, and total freedom.

Our culture, regarding female sexual conduct, continues to grab a fierce hold onto the female mind - in the form of sexual shame. For most people, a woman who is in touch with her feminine sexual self  is alarming and people tend to be afraid of her. In our culture it seems to me that whenever a woman expresses herself in a confident sexual way she is then labeled a whore. What that sexual shame, guilt, and ignorance actually creates is tremendous amounts of cultural, ritualized sexual abuse, and depression. The more we shame and repress our own and others sexuality, the more bizarre the acting out of sexuality that occurs in real life. Growing up in a home where religion played a huge role in my sexuality and how I was raised it occurred to me that body shame began at birth. I exited the womb out of “the dirty, place, down there.” It was literally a shame to be born. (At least my mother viewed it that way.) In my household these religious beliefs can be boiled down to this; women are evil, sex is bad, and the body is naturally dirty. I was able to break free from the hold religion played on my sexuality. My sisters however were not able to.

Personally, I find that sexuality brings us closer to our mortality and nature than anything else. I think religion keeps people from accepting the fact that humans are not really as exalted and above nature as we've been led to believe by religion. Sexuality, if allowed to run freely, has the power to challenge that. This is also the reason why it's so dangerous for those that believe in the idea that religion is what defines you sexually.

Sex, science, and the Internet are continuing to dramatically change and challenge our cultural landscape. In spite of the best attempts by fanatics to constrict culture and move it back to “the good old days” - the reality is that culture is in a constant state of flux, and so is female sexuality.

Though our brains are slow to adapt to the sweeping cultural changes occurring right now, I assert it is our duty to update our own beliefs around female sexual conduct. We have to free ourselves of cultural and religious sexual shame - and stop the suppression of female sexuality within our own psychology, and bring that change into our society at large.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Vagina Schmagina

On June 13, Lisa Brown stood on the floor of the Michigan House of Representatives and argued that her Jewish faith rules in favor of the mother if her life is at risk while pregnant. She pointed out that she does not ask anyone to adopt her religious beliefs, so why would she have to adopt someone else’s. She ended  with:

And finally Mr. Speaker, I am flattered that you’re all so interested in my vagina, but no means no.”

As a result, Brown was banned from speaking on the House floor. Women and men all over the country are angry about this blatant, sexist event. You can read the full story here.

One funny thing happened though. Twitter blew up with #VaginaMovieLines in support of Brown and women’s rights in general. Seems like everyone chimed in (and frankly, once you start, it’s hard to stop). So I collected some of the best #VaginaMovieLines for you to read. This is just a small sampling of thousands.

What happened to Lisa Brown is serious and wrong but it’s important to always see the humor.


Houston, we have a vagina!

Luke…..I am your vagina.

The first rule of vagina club is you do not talk about VAGINA CLUB!
Second rule is You DO NOT talk about VAGINA CLUB!

There’s no crying in vagina!

Ever dance with the vagina in the pale moonlight?

What happens in vagina...stays in vagina.

Here’s looking at you, Vagina.

It rubs the vagina on the skin or else it gets the hose again.

Goodness Gracious, Great Balls of Vagina!

I love the smell of vagina in the morning.

A census taker once tried to test me, I ate his vagina with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

A vagina by any other name would smell as sweet.

Frankly my Dear, I don’t give a vagina.

You had me at vagina.

Vagina, for lack of a better word, is good.

You want the vagina? You can’t HANDLE the vagina!

Go ahead…..Make my vagina!

May the vagina be with you.

We’re off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of vaginas.

C’mon! Let’s win one for the vagina!

We’re gonna need a bigger vagina.

 Somewhere over the vagina.

 Of all the vaginas in the world….she had to walk into mine.


Vaginas WILL remember in November!
Go Forth, Raise Hell and Rock The Vagina Vote in 2012!!!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Penile Implants COVERED By Medicare

So ladies, a man who wishes to make his penis firmer can do so and have it covered by Medicare or his insurance plan. Hmmm…what are the health benefits? A firmer penis! That’s not a “health” benefit. It’s yet another way for men to obsess about what’s really important to them. It's all about sex. Recreational sex. Not procreation.

Now, before you start criticizing me for male bashing, please understand I don’t hate men. Not at all, but it is annoying how their John Thomas seems to rule almost everything they say and do. They want to legislate our reproductive rights and de-fund Planned Parenthood but they are allowed to enjoy medically enhanced sexual pleasure funded by John and Jane Q. Taxpayer.

Women’s rights are under attack. The GOP is frothing at the mouth while they think up new ways to destroy the quality of women’s lives in America. They want to take away the availability of birth control. One way they are doing this is giving permission to pharmacists to deny a woman birth control if it goes against the religious beliefs of the pharmacist. Seriously. They want to make it impossible to sue an employer if we find out a male counterpart makes more money for doing the same job. They want to eradicate abortions. The list goes on and on and on and on. They want to strip us of our rights and our dignity and have succeeded in convincing the majority of women in their own party to believe this war is simply a liberal distraction.

Frankly, I don’t care if a man feels the need to firm up his penis with rods and cylinders so that he can enjoy sex. I also don’t care if it’s covered by insurance. Insurance coverage does not use my tax dollars to fund procedures. You must ask yourself why they care so much about our contraception when they don't have to pay for it? The individual pays into to their own benefits but somehow the GOP has convinced its own that by having birth control covered, taxpayers are footing the bill. “I just don’t want to have to pay for YOUR choice,” is their repeated lament. Over and over to the point where it’s obvious that once again a lie that is repeated enough is perceived as truth. Medicare is funded by you, the taxpayer. You are funding these procedures so that elderly men who are getting implants can enjoy intercourse!

Birth control does in fact have health benefits. It can reduce severe menstrual cramps (I know this to be true from experience), it can help with endometriosis, it's used to fight against ovarian cysts and MOST IMPORTANTLY, IT REDUCES ABORTIONS!

Can you IMAGINE how men would react if Liberals decided to take away penile implants and Viagra?  

So what are you going to do about this? Accept it? Throw your hands in the air and say “Oh well, you can’t fix stupid.” Or are you going to get up off your arse and DO something about it. The clock is ticking. Your support is needed. We have the numbers but we don’t have the Koch Brothers funding a billion dollars to our cause. No, they are spending a billion dollars (literally) to get Mitt Romney elected—you know, that guy who wears magic underwear, isn't worried about the poor and wants to overturn Roe v. Wade. Fun Fact: He also impersonated a police officer more than once and that is a felony. He just wasn't caught.

I write a lot of political articles. I have to read all the latest headlines and I have a decent understanding of what is REALLY happening with this country and let me tell you, we are in a SERIOUS CRISIS. It’s still possible to stand up and say HELL NO! We have five months to unite, to inform and to VOTE!

So before I end this, I remind you again. Penile implants are covered by most insurance companies. Birth control is at risk . WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT THIS?????

Monday, June 11, 2012

What WE Can Learn From 'The Battle At Kruger' (VIDEO)

A Message From RTSV Spokeswoman Kimberley Johnson:

I write for the liberal site Addicting Info. I like to read the comments people make on my articles as well as my colleagues. For the most part, people are fired up. They understand the importance of voting and being informed.

 Sometimes, I see that people say things like:

“Big money will win.”

“What's the point of voting when they fix the elections anyway?"

“You can’t fix stupid.”

And then I saw this one:

“10) This election will not be about facts.
  9) This election will not be about personalities.
  8) This election will not be about two opposing stories.
  6) This election will not be about the 1%.
  7) This election will not be about Wall St.
  5) This election will be about the 50.01+% (or at least an image of the 50.01+%).
  4) This election will be about Main St. (and to which side Main St. “belongs”).
  3) This election will be about the size and number of red vs. blue states.
  2) This election will be about whether red or blue voters are “more” American.

1) This election will be about who votes and who stays home.”

For those of you who feel like the other side has too much money, power and corruption and that we don’t have a chance, take a few minutes to watch this video, even if you’ve seen it before. It has over 67 million views and it’s absolutely fascinating!!! TAKE NOTE what happens 4 minutes and 44 seconds into this. HOPE! COURAGE! POWER IN NUMBERS! The lions are the Republicans waging the War On Women. We are the Buffalo. When we make up our minds, we can overcome! And we can do so peacefully and in solidarity.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hustler's Misogynist Attack On Conservative Woman S.E. Cupp

Larry Flynt defends his right here, to publicize this photo calling it “satire” but that is no excuse. Limbaugh also has the ”right” to call people names. It doesn’t make it acceptable behavior. It doesn’t mean that just because we have the right to free speech that we should publicly humiliate people. It doesn’t move us in a positive, forward direction. It causes our society to focus only on the bottom-feeder mentality.

This is another disgusting example of the War On Women but this time, it’s coming from the left. The attack is now on a conservative woman. Despite what some may think about liberal women and their position on this matter, NO ATTACK is acceptable. Women are being objectified in a way that they have not been, at least not in my lifetime. We’ve heard about Bill Maher calling Palin the “C” word and Ed Schultz calling Laura Ingraham a “Right-Wing Slut” and yes, it’s just as damaging. Ed Schultz issued a sincere apology and offered to take himself off the air for an indefinite period of time with no pay as a result of his comment. No matter who makes these kinds of  comments, it’s MEN demeaning women.  Left or right makes NO DIFFERENCE.

The more the message is heard, the more that men treat women as objects and go out of their way to demean and humiliate us, the more accepted it will become if we as women don’t stand up for each other and force them to stop this. It is simply not acceptable.

I find this to be a very sad commentary on how women are perceived in general in this country. We take pride that we’re so much more advanced than the Middle East—but are we?

Make no mistake, women are under attack in this country and although Republicans are leading with all of the anti-women legislation, it’s not just about the right. It seems women are fair game now and degrading women has become a commonly used tactic. It’s shameful and embarrassing and Larry Flynt, just like Rush Limbaugh is a pathetic example of the male species. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

House Republican Women

Dear GOP,

Thanks so much for pointing out that there are women in your party. Hey, that's great but it doesn't negate the fact you have waged a war on women in this country.

For those who haven't seen that there are indeed Republican women, have a look.

Now that we're clear and know that Republican women DO exist, put the gloves back on and ROCK THE SLUT VOTE LADIES!!!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Iowa’s GOP Proposed Platform: The Tea Party Vision For Subjugating Women

This is not a surprising document. It’s a Tea Party bonanza and another petrifying example of why Democrats need to gain control of the government in the next election.

As an activist for women’s rights, I am only going to focus on the issues pertaining to women and abortion rights. I urge you to read the entire document, as this is what the Tea Party wants ALL of America to look like. They have a decent shot at taking this country over and it’s up to the citizens to make that decision in the voting booth this November. You can view the document in it’s entirety here.

Please take a look at these propositions, share them with young women you know and explain how it can affect their lives now and in the future. I have selected a just a few for you to read:

1.4 We disagree with Roe vs. Wade and Doe vs. Bolton as “settled law.” Under the tenth amendment, these Supreme Court decisions have no authority over the states.

1.6 We oppose the use of public revenues for abortion, and call for the elimination of government funding for all organizations, such as Planned Parenthood which advocate or support abortions.

1.9 We believe in “conscience-clause” legislation so that no physician, pharmacist or healthcare provider can be penalized for refusing to prescribe, dispense or participate in the procurement of an abortion or anything contrary to the conscience of the health care provider.

1.10 We support an Iowa “Women’s Right To Know Law” requiring informed consent—including a three day waiting period and a mandatory ultrasound—before any elective abortion services may be provided. “Informed Consent” means that abortionists must offer to the pregnant woman, prior to the abortion, complete factual information about the complications of abortion, the biological development of the unborn, fetal pain, and the availability of alternatives to abortion.

1.14 We support legislation that would prohibit organizations, such as Planned Parenthood, from entering public school facilities for the purpose of promoting abortion.

When was the last time you saw Planned Parenthood or any organization promoting abortions? And, although the Tea Party would have you believe otherwise, tax dollars, do not now, nor have they ever been spent on abortions and there are no plans to include abortions among publicly funded medical procedures.

While any women choosing to have an abortion should understand the risks involved, mandating an unnecessary ultrasound and allowing a pharmacist or health care professional to deny a women birth control is a judgment based on a religious belief.

The choice of abortion is not a pleasant one for any woman. It’s not something we aspire to nor do we wish to use it as a form of birth control. It is however, legal. If you become pregnant and choose to terminate the pregnancy, you still have that option. The Tea Party wants to eliminate your choices by dictating their personal and religious beliefs and making them law.

Republicans currently dominate the House. If they keep the House, or take hold of the Senate or Presidency, we are not going to make the progress that will save this country from financial ruin and the theft of our individual freedoms. As it stands, we have choices. Those choices are in danger of being taken away.

I have spoken to many young women about the threat to their rights. Sadly, the ones I have talked with are not informed and a few have expressed the feeling that so much corruption plagues our voting system that voting makes no difference. To that I say, VOTE ANYWAY! What would happen if nobody voted? What if only members of the Tea Party voted? By choosing to not exercise your right, you are throwing your choices away. If your rights are stripped because you gave up, you will have no one to blame but yourself and you WILL have to suffer those consequences for a long time to come.

I ask again that you take a look at all that is proposed in this document. Is this the America you wish to live in? You have a voice. Use it and VOTE!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Susan McMillan Emry: Founder of RTSV United Explains Why We Choose To Embrace The Word SLUT

What do Rock The Slut Vote and Yankee Doodle Have In Common? You Might be Surprised!

Slut.  What a storm of controversy this four-letter word stirs up. Why in the world would we claim such a demeaning word as a battle cry for women's rights? 

For all the same reasons the founders of our great nation laid claim to the British army's great slur against America's colonists. Redcoats gleefully sang "Yankee Doodle" to demean roughly clad revolutionary soldiers as inept, impotent bumpkins. Moreover, they raucously urged "...let the girls be handy," a grave insult to colonial women's chastity."You laughable revolutionaries are uncouth and your women are sluts", they sneered.

How did our hardy patriots respond? They embraced the outrageous insult and made it their own. Laughing off the slur, they wrested all the stinging power from the words.In fact, they began singing "Yankee Doodle" as their own battle song, mocking the British. These ordinary men who rose up to become extraordinary heroes deliberately shamed the Redcoats with their own insult  as they won the hard victory for America's rights and freedom. We can do no less while battling today's war for American women's rights and freedoms.

There's a long, proud history of oppressed peoples who effectively reappropriate the very perjorative terms used to demean and keep them in a lowly, disgraced place. By reclaiming the most hurtful, shaming words, groups rise up, unite and fight against intimidation and injustice. Many examples exist in modern America -- from punks to geeks, from gays to rednecks. And yes, now sluts!

Do any of us aspire to be insulted as sluts and worse? Of course not.  But neither will we allow that word to shame, intimidate and silence women any longer. When one woman is battered with the word "slut" for simply speaking her truth, then ALL women are attacked. We can let that word chill us from speaking our own truth -- or we can rise up together and seize that weapon from those who would oppress us. At Rock The Slut Vote (RTSV) we choose to unite, reclaim that word "slut," and turn it back on those who would deny us the basic rights due every American.

Make no mistake. The GOP has launched an orchestrated, all-out-war on women's rights in states throughout America's heartland and in the heart of her capitol. They would silence women's opposition with fear and brutal insults against our very womanhood. Let us reclaim the word "slut" as our own anthem of defiance, strength and pride.

Like those Yankee Doodles who fought at the real Tea Party, Sluts WILL win this fight for equality and basic human rights. Together, we will go forth, raise hell, and rock the slut vote in November 2012.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ladies And Gentlemen: President Romney

This is proving to be quite a volatile election year and we’re really just getting started.

RTSV United was created in response to the GOP's War On Women. This post is not about women’s rights, it’s about what a “President Romney” would look like. It’s a collection of information about this man who claims he has your best interests at heart.

The Obama administration is pulling out the big guns and utilizing the infinite and available information out there on Romney to prove that he would destroy America as we know it. We are in a VERY vulnerable position now. The Bush years have put us at a grave disadvantage and this election is perhaps the most important in decades. We simply cannot afford to allow the GOP to dominate government policy and the only way to do that is to insure a Democratic House, Senate and another Obama victory. Unless this happens, we will all lose, including so many who refuse to truly understand what the right’s agenda is and will blindly vote Republican because they buy into the lies, fear and racism.

There is a website that provides a plethora of information and none of it is hopeful. I will highlight some of the content here as well as articles, quotes and video.

            George W. Bush: ‘I’m for Mitt Romney’
            Mitt Romney “I’m Not Concerned For The Very Poor.”
            Mitt Romney Takes Credit For The Auto Bailout. Say, What?
            Former Mormon Explains Why Mitt Romney Should Never Be President

GST Steel & Bain Capital

Romney Economics: Dade

Jobs lost At least 2,937
Debt at time of bankruptcy $1.5 billion
Bain profits > $250 million

Dade: Profiting from debt:With Dade Behring, Mitt Romney and his investors took over a healthy company and loaded it with debt. Rather than sell the company, they then had Dade take out even more loans to buy out their shares, driving the company into bankruptcy. Nearly 3,000 workers lost their jobs, while Romney and his partners made more than $250 million in profit.”

It was just a great place to work, with great people. Everybody really enjoyed it there—and then Bain Capital came in.” —Charlie DeAngelis, mechanical engineer who lost his job after eight years with Dade BehringBoston Globe, 11/19/09

"Bain and a small group of investors bought Dade in 1994 with mostly borrowed money, limiting their risk. They extracted cash from the company at almost every turn—paying themselves nearly $100 million in fees, first for buying the company and then for helping to run it." New York Times, 11/13/11

My experience at Dade during those Bain Capital years was that it was strictly an investment, not to create jobs. ... No one came from Bain and said, ‘How can we hire more people?’ It was, ‘How do we turn our investment around and make a lot of money?’”—Michael Rumbin, vice president of technology management at Dade during Romney's tenure - Los Angeles Times, 12/4/11

They were just trying to milk as much out of us as they could.”—William T. Mowrey, former Dade employee whose salary and pension were cut.

This is only a small sampling of information on what a Romney administration would look like. Do you like what you see? If not, vote Democrat and share this.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Why Is It Important For Women To Vote In November?

In the 2008 Presdential election, thirteen-million eligible women DID NOT VOTE. Right this minute, almost seven-million women are NOT registered to vote. Imagine the impact we can make in November.

This country is suffering in a way that two generations have never had to endure. Even those who lived through The Great Depression didn’t have to deal with what we are experiencing today.

The economy, though it’s slowly improving, is still staggering. The fact that we have a black president has ripped the scab off the underlying racism that has plagued this county from the start. The wound is open and fresh and all of the ugly sentiment is peaking. We are dealing with serious environmental issues as well as how to handle our energy needs.

We are at a critical point and it’s never been more important to utilize the power we DO have as citizens and VOTE!

In the midst of Democrats vs. Republicans, the REAL and deliberate War On Women is a tactic drawn up by the GOP. We can spend all day arguing the why of it but that won’t help our cause. It’s happening. The over 900 anti-women bills and measures put forth by the Right are all you need to be concerned with. Their attacks on our reproductive rights, our right to affordable birth control (which helps to prevent abortions), access to health care and equal pay for equal work, not to mention those lovely trans-vaginal probes, are all reason enough to get your butt to the ballot box.

There are millions of women who are single or single mothers—Republicans as well as Democrats—who are the sole providers for their household. They get up early, fight traffic and work hard for less money than their male counterparts are making for the same job. This makes a difference in the amount of money you collect from Social Security after you can finally retire. The less money you make in your lifetime, the less you can collect in your “Golden Years.”

Maybe you’re not in love with Obama. Maybe you’re out of work and unable to find employment and feel like your vote doesn’t count. Keep this in mind. The liberals who chose not to vote in the 2010 mid-term election because Obama didn’t have a magic wand and couldn’t fix the completely destroyed economy left over by the eight-year Bush Administration in a mere two years, GAVE their vote to the Republicans who won the House and have made it close to impossible for Democrats to make real, tangible progress. They have fought the President on every single thing he wants to do—even when it was their original idea. They hate him and don’t care if YOU have no money, no healthcare or no rights. They want to paint the picture that Obama failed.

The Right knows how to ignite their base. They have rabid followers. The Left has always been called weak—and sadly, for good reason. We have not (up until now) screamed louder than the GOP. If we choose to stay home on election day, we don’t deserve the rights that we as women have fought so hard for over the course of this country’s history.

So get to the voting booths ladies. Tell your friends. Get at least two of your friends who don’t usually vote, or have a history of saying that their vote doesn’t count, to VOTE! It’s an hour of your day but it will impact the rest of your life. If you don’t want to leave the house, find out if your state has mail-in ballots. They’re great! You get to take your time, investigate the issues and can send it in early!

Keep this in mind too. If Obama wins but either the House or the Senate is dominated by Republicans, all hope for equal rights is out the window.

There’s nothing wrong with single issue voting. The alternative is working for a lower paying job, illegal abortions and all of your rights being taken away, one by one.

Register to vote here.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Limbaugh Attacks Fluke AGAIN!

Rush Limbaugh must really have a crush on Sandra Fluke or he is completely frightened by her. He targeted her again today on his radio program.

The buffoon can’t or won’t even pronounce her name correctly, referring to her as  Sandra Fluck.” His rant is about how Fluke is  “…represented by operatives inside the White House” and that Obama warned students at The University of North Carolina that interest rates on federal student loans will double if Congress doesn’t act by July 1st.

He points out that Fluke tweeted exactly what the President had just said, word for word. Her tweet: " #DontDoubleMyRate. Many students will see the interest rate on Fed #StudentLoans increase if Congress doesn't act by 7/1."  He implies Fluke has some secret, inside scoop on what the President says and then he goes in for yet another attack on her.

 “Sandra Fluck (sic) is just…a poor, isolated, alone little college student worried about her contraception at Georgetown. But now she’s represented by flacks in the White House, Hilary Rosen, Anita Dunn and they’re coordinating with Obama, scaring students about the interest rates on their  student loans.” 

Maybe he doesn’t realize that by attacking Fluke last month, he actually gave a name to what the GOP has been doing since they took over the House in 2010. Limbaugh infuriated women and men across the country, and as a result organizations have emerged to fight against the War On Women.

On Saturday, April 28, has organized rallies all over the United States in an effort to preserve the rights of women, so heavily under attack now by the likes of Limbaugh and the GOP. I will be a speaker at the Sacramento event representing Rock The Slut Vote. Please look up events in your area and attend if you can. The only way we’re going to make a difference is by taking action.

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